Donald Trump has branded Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James "cunning" after he cheated on the Oscar-winning actress.


James had starred in the last season of Trump's show Celebrity Apprentice.

"He was a quiet guy," The New York Post quoted Trump as saying, "but as the show progressed, you realised that he was very smart and very cunning.

"He didn't get along with the people on the show, but I sort of got to like him, at least as much as such a sullen personality can be liked...".

The billionaire added: "Don't underestimate Jesse, he is very deceptive, and what you see is not really what you get. He happens to be a very smart guy.

"As for Sandra, whom I also know very well, she is a total sweetheart."

Even during the show, Trump had asked James: "What the hell does Sandra Bullock see in you? How did you ever get Sandra? You must have something going, but I sure can't figure it out. Maybe you're just good in bed."

James's affair with a tattoo model was exposed recently.