The legendary Bollywood actor/director Feroz Khan, who has been diagnosed with cancer and was recently admitted to Breach Candy Hospital, is seriously critical. This is his second visit to the South Mumbai healthcare centre as he was also rushed to the hospital earlier on February 24, but was discharged in a couple of days as his health condition stabilised.

While his immediate family members have been by his side day and night, a source from the Khan’s family on condition of anonymity admits, “He is not doing too well.” Another source revealed to us about Khan’s state lodged at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): “The last couple of days haven’t been too good for Feroz. In fact, things have worsened. He is very critical. He isn’t responding to the voices of people too. He is a little blank but that’s bound to happen due to his serious health condition. We are keeping a close eye on him and the doctors are always attending to him. As of now, he is not doing at all fine.” Khan is currently under the care of a senior doctor named Dr Advani.

When contacted, an official from Breach Candy said, “He is still admitted with us and we are doing our best to give him the best medical treatment, but we cannot divulge any information about his health condition.”