In the fridge of Semi Girebal

Guilty pleasure: There is a fresh fruit plant growing out of the fridge that I love and can’t get enough of. I manage to keep chomping on the leaves and fruits.

High spirits: I have red and white wine in my fridge. But I am a little upset that the white wine dosen’t look white enough. And I don’t drink water!

Juices: I love cucumber and mozzarella juice. It keeps my skin fresh and glowing.

Meats: There is a woolymammoth elephant in my fridge that I use later in the winter to stay away from the cold. But I most definitely wouldn’t eat it. I am strictly vegetarian.

Kinky surprise: There is an old Parsi couple inside my fridge. They can be quite kinky.

Midnight snack: German caviar with a small mustache and a cap

Sinful indulgence: I think my entire fridge is sinful.

Haven’t thrown away: The last copy of ‘How to Eat Fruits and Influence People’.

Can’t do without: My morning cereal with letters forming lovely messages coming out of it. So the cereal becomes educational and tasty.