It is generally considered normal for sex to dwindle as a relationship progresses. Familiarity with one another means there are very few surprises left. Often, when the spontaneity disappears the sex stops altogether. If the problem is connected to her libido and not with your feelings about the relationship, there are things you can do about it.

Exercise together
Exercise is boring, but it really works. Even just going for a walk will stimulate all sorts of good things, like endorphins, in our bodies. To simplify it: If she feels more energised, you are more likely to benefit with sexual rewards. She will be in a better mood for a longer period of time, she will be more tolerant, she will have more energy, she will be less stressed, and she’ll be more inclined to be spontaneous and fun.

A detox by living a healthier lifestyle can help both you and your girl get your groove back. Try things like quitting smoking and throwing out all the junk food in your pantry — and you might notice a rise in her energy level sooner rather than later. It’s time to wake up and rid our bodies of poisons before we wake up and wonder where our youth and vitality (and virility) has gone.

 Adventure together
Being exhilarated is not something we experience every day. Exhilaration fills us with adrenalin, widens our eyes,  and stupefies us with wonder. This feeling could come from climbing a mountain or even riding a horse. If you and your girl are really brave, bungee jumping, skydiving, hang gliding will all do the trick too. But whatever is your adrenaline-pumping activity of choice, the simple joy of doing something different together is sure to bring a twinkle to her eyes, a smile to her lips, and a spark to her heart – a good recipe for having fun in and out of the bedroom. 

Communicate your desires
Take the time to reconnect with her. It’s very easy to get embarrassed, hurt, humiliated or feel rejected when it comes to sex – or a lack of it. Many couples clam up and pretend the problem
isn’t happening. So, it’s important to talk and figure out why the passion has disappeared and do proper problem-solving together.

Schedule sex
You need to make time for passion; it can’t always be spontaneous, movie-inspired lovemaking. Often our high-stress lifestyle could be the very thing that’s killing her libido. Making time is important to ensure that you regularly see, communicate with and actively love your partner. Schedule a ‘sex date’ and make it romantic.             —