Madhu Prakash, who's a popular Television actor and has also acted in SS Rajamouli's Baahubali franchise, lost his wife Bharti on Tuesday night. Bharti committed suicide by hanging from the ceiling fan in her room in Hyderabad. Reportedly, Bharti was upset with her husband Madhu Prakash's acting profession and late working hours. 


Several reports doing the rounds suggest that Bharti and Madhu Prakash would have fights over him coming home late due to his profession. Apparently, she suspected her husband of having an extra-marital affair with a senior actress. Madhu Prakash's alleged relationship with his co-actress is said to be the trigger that prompted Bharti to take her own life. 

A report on IndiaGlitz quoted a report that shared, "The wife told her relatives about the situation.  The elders as well as others counselled Madhu Prakash to end the extra-marital affair."

A HansIndia report suggests that Bharti was working with a private firm and used to be upset with her husband Madhu's profession. She got married to Madhu in the year 2015 and lived with her in-laws at Panchavati colony in Hyderabad. 

The report further aded that Madhu had told Bharti on Tuesday morning that he was going to the gym, post which he went for the shoot of a Television show around 10 am. Reportedly, Bharti called him, asking him to come back home, threatening to commit suicide. Apparently, Madhu ignored the call and when he returned home around 7.30 pm on Tuesday night, he found his wife hanging by the ceiling fan. 

As of now, the police investigations are going on and Madhu's statement has been recorded.