R Madhavan may be a superstar down south but when it comes to Bollywood, he has no illusions. The actor admits that he is no star in Bollywood but he is enjoying the kind of work he is doing in Hindi cinema.Madhavan began the year with the record breaking success of 3 Idiots and now he is all set to surprise fans in much-awaited Teen Patti, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan and Ben Kingsley."I am very very happy after the success of '3Idiots'. The success is huge and I am living a dream right now. Everything seems to be going right and now I can say that I am finally proud of the work I am doing," Madhavan told PTI.The 39-year-old actor was first seen in 2001, 'Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein', though the film was not a major hit, Madhavan did create a fan base in North India. Almost 10 years from then, Madhavan has been extremely choosy doing just nine films and has given memorable performances in 'Rang De Basanti', 'Guru' and '3 Idiots'."I have done really few Hindi films that shows how choosy I am. It sometimes depends on the right timing. I may be a star down south but I am happy that North India is finally accepting me as an actor. It is really overwhelming," Madhavan said. Madhavan is all set to surprise his fans by playing a charming teacher. He has donned six different looks in 'Teen Patti'. "I play this professor who wants everything in life too quickly without wasting too much time. It is a completely different role for me where you will see me in six different looks," Madhavan said."So like in one I am this suave charming devil in disguise while in other I play an ice cream seller. In another look you will see me as a thug and then a total different scruffy grunge look. All this while I am playing a professor. I think it will be interesting for my fans," the actor said.Aamir Khan stole the lime light in '3 idiots' and now it is Big and Kingsley who are the talk of the town for 'Teen Patti' but Madhavan has no qualms working with a huge starcast till the time he has an author backed role."Directors have been kind to cast me in solo leads as well. '13B' did really well in future I am doing 'Tanu Weds Manu' as well. So I think for me it is a perfect mix of multistarrer and solo leads now. Moreover, its not an issue for me to do a movie with a huge starcast till the time I have an author backed role," the actor said.Set in India and England, Teen Patti, directed by Leena Yadav, boasts of being an emotionally riveting thriller about greed, deception and imagination. The film is set to hit theaters on February 26.