He shocked his fans by signing up for the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi but actor Rahul Bose says that the reality TV show was his best payday ever.The actor who was dubbed the 'superstar of Indian arthouse cinema' by Time magazine says that he has never made so much money in just 12 days in his entire life."I have never earned so much money in 12 days. The show was fun though all those insect challenges were bad but I enjoyed the other stunts," Bose said.But Bose says that he will not participate in a reality TV show again."I just wanted to try it and now that I have done it once I will not do it gain," said Bose.The actor who was in the capital for the Young Changemakers Conclave said that he did the show so that he could raise money for the Rahul Bose Foundation."I sponsor the education of six children from the Andaman and Nicobar islands and will sponsor them till they are employed. The cheque from Khatron Ke Khiladi will go towards the cause," said the 43-year-old actor.Bose who is known for his roles in films like English August, Mr and Mrs Iyer and Antaheen, is also excited about running the Mumbai marathon with the six children."The kids are participating and I am really excited about doing it with them. They can't run the entire 42 kilometres of the marathon but they will run the seven kilometre stretch with me," said the actor.