Shams Patel, a ninth standard student, who won the National Award for the best child actor this year for his film Thanks Maa, acts brilliantly as a slum dweller. However, in reality, Shams actually belongs to a well-to-do family. He is studying at the Utpal Sanghvi School and his father has an export and import business. So, did it come naturally to him to live and gel with actual slum kids?


 “I didn’t feel awkward working alongside other kids from the slums. People living in apartments have a perception that people living in the slums are like a piece of garbage. But, like me, they also want to play, laugh and live life,” he says.

Shams actually never thought of becoming an actor. In fact, he played football at the centre forward position at the inter school level. But it was just by chance that acting happened. “The director of the film, Irrfan Kamal, is my mama (uncle). He told me to give it a shot at the auditions. I took it up for fun, but didn’t know I would get selected in the auditions to play the lead,” he says.

Interestingly, Shams thinks the National Award has not changed him as a person. He says, “I don’t feel proud as of now. It was just something I did by chance. I still hang out with my friends like I used to before. The only thing that has changed about me after the film is my body. I have lost weight and become thin.”

His favourite actor is Salman Khan. “I haven’t met him yet but despite all the criticism, I have a feeling that he is a very nice human being,” he remarks. When it comes to actresses, it’s only Deepika Padukone he likes. “If I get a chance, I would love to go out on a date with her,” he smiles.