On Friday, when the curtains went up on the biggest sporting extravaganza — the Fifa World Cup 2010 — actor Vivek Oberoi watched the opening match between South Africa and Mexico with After Hrs. It turned out that the actor is quite an adrenaline junkie. Vivek went ecstatic when underdogs South Africa went one goal up against the towering Mexican team and was jubilant when Mexico equalised at the dying minutes of the game.“From Shakira’s performance to the first match, everything has been a perfect treat for the lovers of football. South Africa certainly paid homage to Nelson Mandela by putting up a brilliant fight. The football fever has really caught on. From picking up jerseys, to organising football parties at home to even cheering for their favourite teams at pubs, India is celebrating football in a big way,” Vivek says.However, India — a country of over a billion people — is still nurturing the dream of playing the World Cup. But for Vivek the hope of seeing India play still burns bright.“I know that the boys are trying their 100 per cent. Every footballer wants to play in the World Cup. It’s the ultimate glory for them as well as for the country they represent. I want to see the Indian flag waving high at a World Cup and I want to hear our National Anthem beamed to the world. That day I will be really proud to be an Indian and I know our boys will bring us that joy,” Vivek says.He also feels that actorPreity Zinta is best suited to become the brand ambassador of Indian football at the World Cup. “I have seen her cheering for her cricket team when they were playing and she was constantly boosting the team. She has the energy, she definitely has the beauty and most importantly she has the brains. I’m sure she already knows or will take only days to brush up her knowledge on football. Preity should be our ambassador to the World Cup,” he ends.