Boyfriend hitmaker Justin Bieber – who is dating singer-and-actress Selena Gomez - fears sharks so much that he 'doesn't like' swimming in the sea, despite braving the ocean on numerous occasions.


He said: "I'm afraid of sharks. I have [swam in the ocean] but I don't like it. I'm just scared of sharks I guess."

While he isn't keen on sharks, Justin is 'sweet and loving' to Selena so much so that he rates himself as a 'pretty good boyfriend', and he doesn't think it's too much to ask for men to be nice to their girlfriends.

He explained: "I would say I’m a pretty good boyfriend. I think it’s not hard to be a good boyfriend you just have to be sweet and loving and caring and don’t be rude to your girl.

As well as wowing the 19-year-old beauty on a regular basis, Justin is hoping to impress his mother Pattie Mallette when he releases his new track, Turn To You, on Mother's Day in the US (13.05.12), which he has written especially for her

In an interview with Extra, he added: "I wrote a song for her and I will be putting it out on Mother's Day for her and all the other mothers around the world.

"I'm not going to be with her, I'm going to be out of the country so maybe when I come back we can do a big dinner."