After 13 years together, actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan and his long-time partner, former actress Gautami Tadimalla have called it quits. Fans and friends of the couple are completely taken by surprise by the separation, specially at this time when Kamal Haasan is bedridden with a multi-fractured leg.


However close friends say they had seen it coming. Says a friend of the couple, “There were differences growing between them. Gautami had made up her mind for some time. She wanted to leave. She has now found a new life and her own accommodation and moved out with her daughter Subbulaxmi. It’s a huge blow for Kamal. He always regarded Subbu the same way as he did his own biological daughters Shruti and Akshara. And she is deeply attached to Kamal. He is shattered.” 

When contacted, Kamal was quiet for a long time. Then he said, “Whatever gives her comfort and solace is fine by me. My feelings are of no importance. What matters is that Gautami and Subbu should be comfortable and happy. I wish them all the best and want them to know I am there for them whenever they need me. I am blessed with three daughters Shruti, Akshara and Subbulaxmi. I consider myself the luckiest father in the world.”