Even though Twitter seems to be the flavour of the season for Bollywood denizens, actress Kareena Kapoor has launched her own website.Her official website www.kareenakapoor.me is now up and fans are already thronging the site. The site is inventively designed by Kareena and is easy to navigate, a spokesperson for the actress said in a statement issued in Mumbai.On the home page, Kareena has written Post-it notes for her fans. These notes will be updated regularly."This is my own site, my own space. I like the idea of leaving Post-it notes for my fans. I have created a special fan book where fans can write to me directly," Kareena says."Also, 1GOAL campaign which uses the power of football to ensure that education for all of which I am a part, will reach a number of people who are not familiar with Indian cinema. This site will be a window to India and Indian cinema," the actor added.