After Sheila Ki Jawani, Katrina Kaif is all set to sizzle on a new item song for Karan Johar's upcoming film Agneepath.The actress will be performing to 'Chikni Chameli' for the Hrithik-Priyanka starrer, scheduled to release on Republic Day next year."Katrina Kaif is doing a full on item song in Agneepath..its a total swinging number called Chikni Chameli....we shoot it in a week," Johar wrote on Twitter.Earlier, Katrina did an item song for Farah Khan's Tees Maar Khan and another special song for Salman Khan's Bodyguard.


The film, directed by Karan Malhotra, is a remake of the original Agneepath released in 1990 and stars Sanjay Dutt and Rishi Kapoor in pivotal roles.The trailers have already generated a lot of curiosity and the satellite rights have fetched Rs41 crore.