While she has been in the studios scoring for the upcoming film that’s produced by sis Ambika Hinduja recently, it’s the classroom that’s driving her at the moment. Coming from an illustrious family, Satya Hinduja wants to take her passion for music one step further. The young composer who has recently started her own company is also working towards making music studies an important part of the educational system.“We don’t have a great education in western instruments and also in composing music, in our country. We don’t teach music in schools here. If we can somehow find a way to make it a part of the education system, it will train students in music and inspire them to make a career in the same,” says Satya who is setting up long-term plans to see this happen.As one of the very few women who have taken to composing and producing music in the Bollywood music industry, Satya says that the film industry experience has been challenging. “It is a very challenging and time-consuming industry. But working with Salim-Sulaiman (music composers) was a breeze, compelling, brisk and profound,” she says, adding, “I don’t define my role as a woman in the industry as much as a professional trying to do the best job I can. If you encounter glass ceilings, then you go right ahead and break them. Don’t be afraid of the mess because good manners don’t make for revolutions.”Satya has also taken it upon herself to play host to the Berklee College of Music where she studied music. The college plans to come down to India to give workshops and to audition students who could get a chance to study music in the college and Satya will be an important part of the process. “Earlier you had to fly down to another  country to apply. Now, the college is looking for cultural diversity and wants to pick up talent from India and train them,” she says.It was the importance of learning film composition professionally that made her become a part of this. “The experience of learning music was life deepening for me. And on my return I cut my teeth into the job as a score engineer, programmer and supervisor,” says Satya who is keen on taking up new solo projects under her new company.