Lindsay Lohan has been ordered to attend a probation hearing on Thursday that could result in jail time for reportedly missing alcohol education classes imposed for a 2007 drunken driving case.Court officials said on Tuesday that Beverly Hills Superior Court judge Marsha Revel had ordered the Mean Girls actress to attend a progress review in person. The order follows reports by celebrity website that Lohan, 23, has attended only 10 of 13 alcohol education classes required of her, and months of partying chronicled by Los Angeles and New York paparazzi.Lohan's attorney did not return calls for comment.Lohan has been in France for the Cannes film festival this week amid rumours that she is be cast as 1970s Deep Throat porn star Linda Lovelace in an upcoming biography film. But no official announcement has so far been made at the festival and Lohan has largely avoided the mainstream media there.Her return to Los Angeles could be hit by ash clouds from an Icelandic volcano which have again closed European airports and disrupted flights this week.Judicial sources said that if Lohan is found to have failed to comply with the order to attend classes, Revel could decide to sentence her to jail. That would likely result in another hearing at which a sentence would be imposed, they said. Revel in October extended Lohan's three years probation for another year and warned her to get serious about the alcohol program. It was part of her sentence for a 2007 arrest for drunk driving, reckless driving and driving under the influence of cocaine.Lohan was also sentenced to 24 hours in jail in 2007 but spent just 84 minutes behind bars because of overcrowding in Los Angeles lock-ups.Lohan shot to fame in the 1998 movie The Parent Trap but in recent years has become one of the most troubled and talked-about actresses in Hollywood.Her most recent movie, Labor Pains, failed to get a theatrical release in most countries and went direct to US television in 2009.