The attorney for Lindsay Lohan resigned on Thursday even as she issued a statement calling the jail sentence imposed on the troubled actress this week for violating probation, "harsh and unfair."A spokesperson for attorney Shawn Chapman Holley confirmed the lawyer had left Lohan's case, but she did not have any details on a reason why or who had replaced Holley.Earlier Thursday, Holley issued a statement saying she and the 24-year-old Lohan believe the court-ordered term of 90 days in jail and 90 more days at an inpatient treatment clinic is "far harsher than what others would have received under similar circumstances.""The reality is that Lohan, like most defendants, had to balance work commitments and court requirements," Holley said."To be punished so severely for doing so, particularly in light of the fact that she substantially complied with each of her probationary conditions, is harsh and unfair."Holley also addressed pictures taken of Lohan inside the courtroom at Tuesday's hearing in front of superior court judge Marsha Revel in which cameras photographed an expletive painted on Lohan's fingernails. The words have caused the media to speculate about any message Lohan may have been trying to send to the judge, prosecutors, the media or others."The fact is, the words could barely be seen by the naked eye. That a courtroom camera, purportedly there to accurately chronicle the proceedings, would use a telephoto lens to zoom in as it did to Lohan's fingernail is a commentary on the entire issue," Holley said.Holley added that Lohan "is prepared to serve her jail time and comply with the court's orders."Lohan, who rose to fame as a child actress in the Disney film The Parent Trap, has seen her career spiral downward since 2007 when she was arrested for drunk driving and cocaine possession and later found guilty of drunken and reckless driving.She spent time in drug and alcohol rehab and was put on probation for three years, but her failure to attend all her alcohol education classes caused judge Revel to extend her probation last October.Lohan missed a court date in May because she was at the Cannes film festival, where she was photographed at several late-night parties. She blamed her failure to get back to Los Angeles on a stolen passport.In June, an alcohol monitoring bracelet Lohan was ordered to wear showed she had been drinking, although Lohan later denied consuming alcohol.On Tuesday this week, Lohan was back in judge Revel's court where Holley argued that while her client had missed seven alcohol education classes in the past 27 weeks, she still was substantially in compliance with her probation and would have fully completed the court''s orders by July 15.Despite a tearful plea for leniency by the actress, judge Revel ordered Lohan to surrender to a California jail by July 20, comparing her to "someone who doesn't think it's cheating unless she gets caught."