Reality TV star Kim Kardashian has admitted that she still has jiggly thighs and cellulite despite a rigorous exercise regime."Of course I struggle with insecure moments," the New York Daily News quoted her as telling SELF magazine. "I wish I didn't. But I love to eat! Especially sweets.""And I'll say it. I think my thighs are jiggly and I have cellulite. Now let's move on!" she added.The reality star, who has become best known for her curves, said she feels the most confident after putting in some much-needed time at the gym."You have to feel good to look good," she said. "On days when I need extra motivation, I just think: 'Bikini, bikini, bikini!' "Though her exercise regimen took a pause last year during filming of her E! reality show "Kourtney and Kim take New York," Kardashian is more strict when it comes to working out in Los Angeles."When I'm in LA I exercise every day, I'm in the best shape of my life," said Kardashian, who keeps in shape with seven-day-a-week gym sessions.