Young actor Nicholas Brown, who played one of the pivotal roles — that of Kangna Ranaut’s brother in his debut movie that had Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori in the lead, is ecstatic about the launchpad he got for his Bollywood career.


“I couldn’t have got a bigger and better launch. It is a big project for me and in my first Hindi film I get to act with the likes of Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori and to be directed by Anurag Basu with Rakesh Roshan at the helm. It was a big learning experience for me and I take a lot of things forward from my experience. I feel a more enriched actor. This will really help me to build my future as a good actor,” says Nicholas.

The actor, who is set to act in a couple of English language films soon and is the lead actor and writer of a film that marks Olivia Newton-John’s debut in Bollywood, wants to be challenged as an actor.

“I don’t want to take any easy routes. I know that without hard work I cannot fine-tune myself to be a better actor. I’m open to the most difficult roles because I’m confident about my acting skills but unless I push myself, I won’t know what I lack in. As an actor, one has to constantly look to improve, constantly look to experiment and innovate with styles, genres and looks,” he adds. Nicholas, who played a villain in the recently released film, says though he debuted as a villain, he is not ready to be typecast. “It is great if people have liked what I have done in the film but I’m not looking at restraining myself or limiting myself in doing just one type of role. That would mean stagnation for me,” he ends.