Sitting on the green grass right outside his kutir, he generates a child-like charm. The Art of Living founder Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was the sole force behind one of the biggest spiritual events - the foundation’s silver jubilee function held over the weekend in Bangalore.

“The celebrations went well, but I think there is always scope to do better,” says the man who unlocks life related mysteries of millions. The world’s largest growing NGO, one is amazed by the strength that binds millions of Art of Living followers together. “I really don’t know what unites them. I guess you will have to ask them,” laughs Guruji, as he is fondly known.

His answers exceed no more than a line, but every word increases your curiosity to know more about Sri Sri. One such curiosity is the huge number of foreigners working for different projects of the organisation. Would it be right to say that, like Yoga and Ayurveda, spirituality attracts others more than Indians themselves? “It’s not about your country, but about your individual self. People develop faith with experience and vice-versa. Nobody can be forced to do anything,” he says wisely.

This reaffirms that Sri Sri would never have an issue with those who do not believe in God. “Spirituality is different from believing in God. Everybody owns a spirit and everybody is trying to find solace,” he adds.

With regard to his reputation of being a ‘Guru of the rich’, he says, “The very fact that so many people turned up for the silver jubilee celebrations, devoid of any such pre-conceived notions, breaks all these myths.”  Ask him what makes The Art of Living members so energetic and he concludes, “Even an 80-year-old who comes here becomes like an 18-year-old. That’s what is special.”