Table talk
After Hrs Sunday catches up with a winning foursome as they chill out after a hard days work...

There’s nothing like catching up with friends over coffee for some idle talk. And that’s exactly what actors Samir Soni, Mandira Bedi, Tanaaz and Raell Padamsee did on Thursday evening when they made their way to the Bohemia Courtyard Café in Juhu after rehearsals.
Between sips of cool drinks such as the house special and Tangarine crush, and bites of sandwiches and salads, Mandy and Tanaaz indulged in some playful banter, teasing Samir about how he always ends up the lone man between many women!
But Mandy wasn’t talking. She had a slate-size whiteboard and a marker which she used to pen her playful thoughts, as she wanted to save her voice for the silver jubilee show of Anything But Love. Meanwhile, Tanaaz too could not stop talking about her play Two to Tango that celebrated its silver jubilee on Saturday. “Vinay and I have this amazing chemistry which just explodes on stage. And Vikrant is so good at making you act,” she gushed.
Raell joked that the three actors in her play behaved like kids and that it was fun working with them. Samir   added that he and Mandira had just returned from their show in Dubai. The good looking bloke had his share of the fun as he tried  to guess what Mandy was writing on her whiteboard.
As the evening sun made its way down, the food piled on. Mandira and Tanaaz sipped on hot ginger-lemon tea and chatted nineteen to the dozen. But saying an early goodbye was Raell who declared, “I’ve really had a great time!”
The Silver Jubilee Show of Anything But Love starring Mandira Bedi and Samir Soni plays at Sophiya’s (Breach Candy) at 7:30pm today