Director Milind Ukey, who is readying for the release of Paathshala, feels that his potpourri on ailments afflicting the Indian education system will prove to be an eye-opener in many ways and bring about a change in perception towards children."Paathshala is a movie catering to the children, the Indian education system and its shortcomings. It has a strong message. We feel that the perception of parents, school authorities and government may change towards children after watching this movie," Ukey told PTI in Mumbai. "The movie deals with contemporary and socially relevant issues regarding children, their academic pressures, their problems... their fears among other things. I hope Paathshala to be a wake up call for all of us," he said.The director said that present education system has become more commercialised and focused on profit-making rather than imparting knowledge and is riddled with many ills. "While we were carrying out our research we found that at on one side the government talks about Right To Education but on the other side children are being removed from school for not paying the fees, ill-treated and abused by teachers. The education system has become more money-minded," he said. Produced and written by choreographer Ahmed Khan, the film stars Shahid Kapoor, Ayesha Takia and Nana Patekar in main roles, and releases on April 16. On the upcoming film being compared with Taare Zameen Par, the director said, "The movie is very different from Taare Zameen Par as it highlights the macro issues of the education system and not the problem of one child." "Taare Zameen Par was about a child suffering from dyslexia and this film talks about the education system at large... the issues are bigger and broader. Our film is education-driven and about pressure on kids," Ukey said. The movie stars child artists like Swini Khare (from Cheeni Kum), Ali Haji (from Fanaa), Dwij Yadav (from Nanhe Jaisalmer) and Avika Gor of Balika Vadhu. "It was tough as well as fun working with children. Once you explain them the shot properly, they do it very nicely. Children are not only disciplined but attentive as well," he said. On his experience of working with Nana and Shahid, Ukey said, "Nana is a legendary actor; he is sharp and very intelligent. One needs to match to his standards. People just misunderstand him. In the movie, Nana plays the role of a principal who is strict and a disciplinarian.""Shahid is a cool and creative person. In the movie, he plays the role of an English and music teacher. He is an a integral part of the movie.. he brings in the momentum," the director added.