Rajkumar Rao, who is known for his phenomenal performance, has gone under a rigorous diet for his forthcoming film titled Trapped directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. The 32-year-old actor who plays the lead, Shaurya in the survival drama this time, had to appear weak for a certain potion of the film and so went under a rigorous diet of black coffee and two carrots a day for about 20-22 days in order to look real for his character.
"I was having a cup of black coffee and two carrots a day in order to survive. I'm totally thrilled for the kind of response Trapped has received. The response was overwhelming for all of us," the actor said.Raj reportedly survived on this extreme diet for 22 days and lost about six to seven kilos.
"It was a part of my process to prepare for Trapped. Shaurya is trapped inside a house for almost 3 weeks without any food or water. It is a survival drama. I wanted to feel the hunger and desperation that one goes through, if put in such extreme conditions," he revealed in a statement.
Of the experience with hunger, the Queen actor said that it was a constant struggle to fight hunger saying, "I've realized that we always take everything in our life for granted.It was quite a struggle to be on such a strict diet, one gets bad mood swings, the energy level really goes down but I guess that is the fun of being an actor," he added.