Actor Salman Khan, who is shooting for his brother Arbaz Khan's debut production Dabang in Satara district had to be rushed to a hospital during the weekend, after shooting a gruelling sequence which required him to run through fire several times.The scene required Salman to shoot in close proximity with the fire and though everyone insisted on a single shot, the actor took several takes before the scene was canned and ended up breathlessbecause of the smoke."Salman wanted the scene to be flawless and ended up getting breathless since he was shooting close to so much fire. He had to be rushed to the hospital after the scene was successfully canned," said a sources in the film unit.In spite of the doctor's advice to take rest for the next couple of days Salman went back to shoot for the other scenes the very next day. "Everyone was impressed with Salman's professionalism. It was clear that the fire scene was a difficult one to shoot but he took several takes to get it right. He visited the doctor and was back to shoot the very next day since he did not want to interrupt the schedule," said the source.