In a shocking development, Pakistani actress Mehreen Shah has accused an Indian producer Raj Gupta and a Pakistani director Syed Ehsan Ali of harassment. In a video, which has now gone viral on social media, Mehreen has alleged that she was harassed during the shoot of a film in Baku, Azerbaijan.


Revealing details of her horrific experience, Mehreen claimed that sex workers were invited to hotel rooms by the producer and director. Mehreen said that Raj Gupta and Ehsan Ali harassed her because she did not accept their lewd demands.

Mehreen said that she was kept hungry as a punishment for not accepting the demands of the producer and director. Mehreen claimed in the video she received a lot of help from a crew member after she fell sick.

According to Mehreen, she had met Zaidi through a reference and the shooting in Baku was her first experience of working with him.

Mehreen said that she wanted to ignore the whole episode but then decided to post a video in order to alert other actors.