Singers Shaan and Sunidhi Chauhan have lent their voice for the 3D Hollywood animation film Rio which releases in India on April 8.Apart from dubbing the dialogues in Hindi for the lead characters Blu and Jewel, the singer duo have also sung some songs for the film's Hindi version. Shaan said he was a huge fans of animation movies and was impressed when he saw the movie's rushes."Associating with Rio was a very unique and exciting opportunity that I couldn't refuse. The film is super fun and will be enjoyed by people of all ages. I had a great time dubbing and singing for the film," he said.Chauhan said she always wanted to do an animation film."Rio is such an amazing film that I just had to do it. Even though my character is a bird, Rio is a beautiful love story."Producers Fox Studios had recently roped in comical duo of Ranvir Shorey and Vinay Pathak to do the Hindi voice overs for Blu's friends Nico and Pedro respectively. Jesse Eisenberg who rose to fame after his portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network has lent his voice for Blu in the original version of the film; whereas Anne Hathaway has lent her voice for Jewel.