New mom Shilpa Shetty is slowly learning about motherhood and the actress tweeted how little Viaan has been keeping her so busy that she has hardly been sleeping.


"Tweetos I know I've been twitter lazy. Son keeps me busy. Dunno how times flown! Sleep deprived n look like a zombie but Viaan is joy personified!," her tweet read.

"Being a mother is a full time job! One has 2 be ready 2 give 25hrs a day 2 the baby or don't do it!Amazin how our mothers did it all without any help," another tweet read.

Shilpa gave birth to a son on May 21 this year.

She has praised all the mothers who single-handedly handle the home and their babies.

"Glad I have the luxury of time to take off but hats off 2 all those moms who multitask home chores/work after a baby single-handedly. Phew," she tweeted.