An audio clip of Christian Bale screaming abuse at director of photography on the set of his new film Terminator Salvation became a YouTube hit when it was leaked online in February. However, he's not the only celebrity who had his bad behaviour caught on camera - and then shared with the world.

News of the World has compiled a list of such outrageous videos that have been posted on the Internet:

Top 10 Celebrity Web scandals:

1. The video of Christian Bale's foul-mouthed rant became a massive internet hit, getting more than 10million plays since it leaked three months ago.

2. Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand were at the centre of a BBC scandal when they left obscene messages on the answering machine of veteran actor Andrew Sachs.

3. Former Baywatch star David Hasselhoff was caught on camera by his 16-year-old daughter drunk, slurring his words and stuffing his face with a hamburger.

4. Kerry Katona slurred her way through a bizarre TV interview live on This Morning.

5. Prince Harry landed in trouble when he was caught calling an Asian squaddie 'our little Paki friend'.

6. Paris Hilton and Rick Solomon's private home video mysteriously went public in 2004.

7. Amy Winehouse faced ruin after being caught on camera revelling in sex in a public place, out of her head in a crack den and singing a disgusting racist chant.

8. CCTV cameras caught Lock, Stock actor Vinnie Jones covered in blood after being glassed, throwing punches at the pool player.

9. Heather Mills was ditched by her divorce lawyers after ranting and weeping her way through bizarre TV interviews.

10. Former pop princess Britney Spears was wheeled out of her home on a stretcher by paramedics.