On October 3, 2021, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) during a raid on a cruise ship for his alleged involvement in a drugs racket. While Aryan has been out on bail, his arrest left netizens divided with a section of social media users calling his arrest a political agenda. Meanwhile, several celebrities also came out in support of SRK and his son during their tumultuous time.


And now, in a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, Malayalam actor Tovino Thomas, too expressed his opinion of Aryan Khan's arrest and stated that the Aryan Khan drug case could be a political move.

When the interviewer mentioned Aryan's case and shared that his reputation has been affected, Tovino replied, "That was their purpose. That was the intention I think, from whatever we know now, there was a political intention to tarnish Shah Rukh Khan's reputation, his son's reputation, it looks like that. I'm not stating it but it looks like that."

Meanwhile, on Wednesday (March 2), the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) called as speculation the reports of non-availability of evidence against Aryan Khan in the cruise ship drug case.

Sanjay Singh, who is also the chief of the Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Aryan Khan's case, said, "As far as the media reports on non-availability of evidence against Aryan Khan are concerned, these are not true and are just speculations and nothing else. These statements were not cross-checked with NCB before being published. The investigation is not yet complete and it is premature to say anything at this stage."

READ: Aryan Khan case: Key findings of NCB's SIT suggest SRK's son not part of conspiracy

Earlier, Singh had told ANI that it is highly premature to say that there is no evidence against Aryan Khan in the cruise ship drug case. Singh's statement came after the reports of no evidence against Aryan Khan in the cruise ship drug case surfaced.

"Highly premature to say that there's no evidence against Aryan Khan. Probe still in progress; recorded multiple statements. Have not reached any conclusion yet," Singh told ANI.

Earlier in December, the Bombay High Court relieved Aryan Khan, who was arrested in the drugs-on-cruise case, from appearing before Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) every week. However, the court had directed him to appear before Delhi's Special Investigation Team (SIT) whenever summoned.

Aryan Khan, along with other accused Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha, was granted bail by the High Court on October 28 in the drugs-on-cruise case. An NCB team had busted an alleged drugs party on a ship which was on its way to Goa at mid-sea on October 2 night. Eight persons were detained for questioning by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in connection with the case. Eight people were later arrested on October 3 including, Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant, and Munmun Dhamecha. Later, a total of 20 people were arrested in connection with the case.