
No more surgeries for Dame Elizabeth Taylor

The double Oscar-winner, suffering from crippling neck pain, has apparently told her family and friends that she can't handle even one more surgery.

No more surgeries for Dame Elizabeth Taylor

Actress Dame Elizabeth Taylor, who has fought brain tumour, heart failure, skin cancer, osteoporosis, among other problems, does not want to undergo any more operations, it has emerged.

The double Oscar-winner, suffering from crippling neck pain, has apparently told her family and friends that she can't handle even one more surgery.

"She is adamant she can't face another operation. Some mornings find her neck in such acute pain she is barely able to lift her head," the Daily Express quoted a source as saying.

The insider added, "She spends most of the day sitting in a chair with her head on her shoulder. It must be hellish for her but she says she is more sick of seeing the inside of an operating theatre than anything else."

The Cleopatra actress has been facing health problems over the past 25 years.

She has been hospital more than 100 times and twice nearly died on the operating table during surgery on her back.

