A fake video of actor Rashmika Mandanna is doing rounds on the internet and it has left many prominent Indian figures worried about the use of technology and artificial intelligence (AI). The viral video shows a woman wearing black outfit entering an elevator. When you closely notice the face of the woman, it looks identical to the one with Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal co-star Rashmika Mandana. The video has garnered millions of views online and even got the attention of ace Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan and Union Minister of State (MoS) for IT Rajeev Chandrasekhar. The video looks pretty real as if it's the real Rashmika Mandana and that’s what is concerning the netizens. The almost real video of Rashmika has been created using an AI technology called deepfake.


Deepfake is a technology that uses AI and machine learning to produce visual and audio content to deceive viewers. It masks characteristics of someone else's likeness over another media file which look like a real video. The technology scans the face of someone and masks it over a video file. Deepfake technology has witnessed significant improvement over the years and it gained popularity when ‘Fast and Furious 7’ was completed and released after the death of actor Paul Walker. 

The technology is banned from several key platforms as it can be used for defamation or spreading misinformation. Although there have been several incidents where such technology has been used with false intentions, there are no strict legal and regulatory framework to deal with such incidents in India.