Bone strengthening: 5 natural ways to build strong bones

Written By DNA Web Team | Updated: Oct 01, 2022, 08:20 PM IST

Bones are getting weaker and leading to a condition like Osteoporosis. A condition in which your bone becomes brittle and fragile.

Your entire body stands on your bones, bones give you structure, and bone health is very important. But today eating habits and modern lifestyle is causing bone deterioration. Bones are getting weaker and leading to a condition like Osteoporosis. A condition in which your bone becomes brittle and fragile.

There are a few ways to make your bones stronger and maintain.

Add Magnesium to your morning diet- People with sufficient intake of Magnesium have a higher bone density. You must consume nuts for morning breakfast, like almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts and other nuts, hazelnuts etc and all the seeds like flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds and soya seeds and all the other seeds. So, try and see that all these seeds are soaked overnight and consumed in the morning. In the morning, after drinking a little warm water, then drink a glass of lemon juice in that put a spoon of chia seeds that are soaked for 10 minutes. Chia seeds are for magnesium and lemon is for Vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for the formation of collagen as it supports the bone building.

Include calcium in your lunch- Your body needs almost 1000mg of calcium every day and so add curd at your lunchtime. You can add dairy products like paneer a very good source of protein and green leafy vegetables to lunch. These leafy vegetables are very much rich in magnesium as well as calcium, but for better absorption of calcium, vitamins are required in your body. Expose yourself to morning or evening sunrays, at least for half an hour. During the afternoon also, sunrays on different parts of your body would be wonderful Sunrays are required

Protein-rich snacks- 50% of your bone is made up of protein, and intaking enough protein is highly essential for your bone growth. It also helps in the absorption of calcium. There are a few foods that you can add to your breakfast or snack time. A very good source of proteins would be peanuts which you could boil with salt and water and take another source is chana, roasted gram. Another dish which is very common is hummus. You can eat this hummus which is a very rich source of protein with either chapati or bread or even as it is.

Milk before bedtime- Milk is a super food for bone health. It contains all the essential elements required for bone growth. Milk has protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamin B12. Also, a glass of milk taken at bedtime with a little haldi inside promotes what is called OJAS in Ayurveda. OJAS is a state where you attain proper digestion and naturally, it can also give you good sleep

Weight-bearing asanas- Get into asanas to prevent osteoporosis.