Cholesterol is a waxy material that is present in the blood and builds up in the arteries. The chance of having a heart attack also begins to loom due to the excessive rise in cholesterol. High cholesterol causes the arteries' normally free-flowing blood to become obstructed, which leads to a variety of health issues. Here are a few of the signs of excessive cholesterol that can be observed on the body, and when they show, you should start making plans to reduce it. Generally speaking, a healthy diet and regular exercise can lower cholesterol.
Symptoms of high cholesterol:
1. Chest pain
Chest pain may be an issue if cholesterol has built up in the veins that provide blood to the heart. Because of this, you might occasionally have pain when you put your hand on your chest, or you might occasionally experience extreme agony.
2. Foot pain
Blood flow to the arteries in the legs may be restricted as a result of excessive cholesterol. Due to this, the blood does not adequately reach the feet, which causes pain in the feet, trouble walking, and the colour of the skin on the feet may appear to have changed. In addition, the feet may get excessively chilly. (Also Read: Total Lunar Eclipse 2022: All you need to know about last 'Blood Moon' of this year)
3. Heart pain
Pain in the heart is another indication of elevated cholesterol in addition to pain in any area of the chest. A high cholesterol level can potentially cause a heart attack or stroke.
Who is at risk of high cholesterol?
  • People with a diet high in processed foods and low in nutrients frequently struggle with high cholesterol.
  • Consuming packaged goods in excess can also contribute to the buildup of bad cholesterol.
  • Obesity and inactivity are additional risk factors for high cholesterol.
  • Smokers and drinkers may experience issues with elevated cholesterol.