Television actress Hina Khan revealed on Friday that she has been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and is currently undergoing treatment. She took to her Instagram to share a heartfelt note, respectfully asking for privacy during this critical time. Hina wrote, "Hello everyone, to address the recent rumours, I want to share some important news with all the Hinaholics and everyone who loves and cares for me. I have been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. Despite this challenging diagnosis, I want to reassure everyone that I am doing well. I am strong, determined, and truly committed to overcoming this disease. My treatment has already begun, and I am ready to do everything necessary to emerge from this even stronger."


Early signs and symptoms of breast cancer:

Lump in the Breast or Underarm: One of the most common signs is a new lump or mass in the breast or underarm. These lumps are often painless but can be hard or soft, with irregular edges.

Changes in Breast Shape or Size: Any noticeable change in the shape or size of the breast, such as swelling, can be an early indication. This includes any unexplained shrinkage or swelling of one part of the breast.

Skin Changes: Look for dimpling, puckering, or redness of the breast skin. This might resemble the texture of an orange peel (peau d'orange) and can be a sign of an underlying tumor pulling on the skin.

Nipple Changes: Any alteration in the nipple, such as inversion (pulling in), discharge (especially if bloody or clear), or pain, should be promptly checked by a healthcare professional.

Persistent Pain: While breast pain is commonly associated with hormonal changes, persistent, unexplained pain in any area of the breast can be an early symptom of breast cancer.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to seek medical advice for further evaluation and possible early diagnosis.