Indian festivals are not only associated with faith but also with good health. Fasting helps in detoxifying the body by flushing out toxins from the body. But if you are a diabetic patient then it becomes important for you to take care of a few things during the fast. Diabetic patients should not stay hungry for long during the fast. They should keep eating something or the other for a short period of time so that their blood glucose level remains under control.


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Precautions that a diabetic patients should take.

Don't stay hungry for longDiabetics are not advised to starve during prolonged fasting. Keep eating some healthy things every once in a while, so that the blood sugar level in the body remains under control.

Don't drink too much teaInstead of drinking more tea and coffee, keep drinking lemonade, coconut water, lassi and buttermilk.

Take care of medicinesMany times people refrain from taking their medicines on the day of fasting. Don't make the mistake of doing this. Don't miss your medicines and insulin doses.

Avoid fried foodYou should eat boiled, roasted, and steamed food instead of fried and fried food. Eat roasted or boiled sweet potatoes in limited quantities. You can eat buckwheat flour. It is very nutritious. Apart from this, eat cucumber raita, tomato dishes, and low glycemic index foods.