You must have heard that good food is the secret to good health, but do you know that many such food items, which we eat almost daily, can give cancer (cancer-causing food)? Scientists believe that about 70 percent of cancer cases can be reduced only through food. The remaining 30 percent is related to genetics and environment.


Also read: World Cancer Day 2023: Types of cancer that are affecting women in India

5 cancer-causing foods that you should stop eating

Canned pickles- Many types of preservatives are used to make pickles at the commercial level, such as nitrates, salt and artificial colours. Due to their excessive consumption, the risk to the digestive system i.e. stomach and colon cancer increases.

Alcohol- The liver and kidneys have to do extra work due to the abundance of alcohol in the body. Many studies suggest that drinking alcohol in excess increases the risk of mouth, esophagus, liver, colon and rectum cancer. Now the question is how much is too much. Research says that women take one drink daily and men take 2 drinks daily, only then it is safe.

Non-Organic Fruits: The fruits which have been kept in cold storage for a long time, despite cleaning them, a layer of chemicals remains on them. Because of this cancer occurs. Stored fruits should be destroyed after a certain time.

Maida- As beneficial as bran flour is, maida is equally bad for health. Many carcinogenic elements are released in the process of making flour from flour. Apart from this, to give white color to the white flour, it is passed through chlorine gas. It is very dangerous and causes cancer. Flour is even more dangerous for diabetic patients because it increases the level of blood sugar.

Potato Chips- They contain a lot of salt and saturated fat which is bad for health. Apart from this, chips contain an element called acrylamide, which in itself is considered a carcinogenic chemical. This chemical can be produced in any food cooked on high flame, chips are also in this category. Acrylamide is also found in cigarettes, from this we can imagine how dangerous eating chips can be.