Five major cancers have been identified which are more prevalent among women in India. Every year about 7 lakh new cancer patients come to the fore. If cancer is identified at the right time, then life will be victorious in this battle. Breast, uterine, colorectal, ovarian and oral cancer are commonly found in Indian women. According to a survey, a woman dies every eight minutes due to cervical cancer in India.
Also read: World Cancer Day 2023: 3 processed foods that Increase the risk of cancer
The main reason for this is the lack of awareness about cancer. According to a 2015 report, cancer in women is detected in the third or fourth stage, due to which the chances of survival of the patient are minimal.
There are many causes of cancer in women. It has both internal and external aspects. 6-8 percent of breast and ovarian cancer cases are genetic. Lifestyle factors include obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption. In many cases, early onset of menstruation or late cessation can also be the reason for this. Externally, air pollution, consumption of contaminated food and polluted water increase the risk of cancer.
Deadliest cancer in women and their symptoms:
1. Breast cancer
This cancer is most commonly found in urban women. It is the second most common cancer in rural women. Nowadays cases of breast cancer are coming to the fore at an early age. It is caused by abnormal growth and change of cells in the breast, these cells combine to form a tumour.
Symptoms: white milky discharge or bleeding, orange peel-like appearance on the skin of the breast, lump in the breast or armpit, sunken front of the breast, change in shape.
2. Cervical Cancer
According to the Indian Council for Cervical Research, about 63,000 women died in India during the year 2015 due to cervical cancer. It is caused by a virus called Human Papilloma which is spread through sexual contact. This cancer begins in the cervix, which is the lowest part of the uterus and is located in the upper part of the vaginal tract. From here this cancer gradually spreads to other parts of the body.
Symptoms: Bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, bleeding more than usual, and abnormal discharge are warning signs.
3. Colorectal cancer
This is the third most common cancer in women. It affects the large intestine. In most cases, it begins as a non-cancerous clump of cells which, if ignored, can become cancerous.
Symptoms: Abdominal discomfort including diarrhea or constipation, change in stool for more than four weeks, rectal bleeding, persistent abdominal pain, weight loss, and weakness or fatigue.
4. Oral cancer
Oral cancer affects women as much as men. Its main reason is excessive consumption of tobacco or alcohol.
Symptoms: Red or white patches in the mouth, formation of lumps, discoloration of the lips or gums, bad breath, weak teeth and extreme weight loss. Consult your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are found.