They are called star kids in India and nepo babies in the West. But the term means the same thing – children of popular film or entertainment stars. The term is a slightly derogatory one to refer to these children, implying they are products of nepotism, reaping the privileges of being the offsprings of their famous parents. There are exceptions though. This one star kid not only does not take advantage of her father’s superstardom but actually has not spoken to him in years.


The star kid who hasn’t spoken to superstar father for years

Tom Cruise has three children from his three marriages. The youngest of them is 18 year-old Suri, the daughter of Tom and his third wife, actress Katie Holmes. Tom and Katie were married from 2006-12 and Suri was born the year they were married. However, the couple had a bitter divorce, largely due to Katie’s aversion to Tom’s belief in Scientology, a religious cult. Since their divorce, neither Katie nor Suri have had any contact with Tom.

A report in 2023 claimed that Suri has not met her father in almost a decade and they don’t speak as well. TMZ reported that Suri does not pick up the phone if Tom ever calls. “'He does not exist to Katie or Suri, and his daughter does not want to rely on him for anything,” the Daily Mail quoted a report as saying.

When Suri dropped Tom’s surname

While growing up, Suri was referred to as Suri Cruise or Suri Holmes Cruise. But after her 18th birthday in April, the aspiring singer has now further disconnected himself from her father. Hello Magazine reported last week that when Suri enrolled in her school’s musical play, she listed herself there as Suri Noelle, using her mother’s middle name as her last name.

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