Kejriwal rakes up Niira Radia tapesKejriwal is currently holding a press conference at the Constitution Club in New Delhi.He has promised to expose another important person today.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:04 IST

Kejriwal is currently playing the Niira Radia tapes

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:05 IST

Kejriwal played recordings to prove that all governments have been working under corporate pressure.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:06 IST

Ranjan Bhattacharya and Radia tapeKejriwal played a recorded clip of conversation between Niira Radia and Ranjan Bhattacharya (Atal Behari Vajpayee's son-in-law) and Niira Radia during 2008-09.

Ranjan Bhattacharya is boasting of a close relationship with Cong leader Ghulam Nabi Azad.

"Bhattacharya: Have a great line to Ghulam Nabi for what it counts. Is Mukesh Happy?         Radia: Very happy....Bhattacharya: Congress to apni dukan hai - he quotes Mukesh Ambani"

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:12 IST

Jaipal Reddy to increase prices"Jaipal Reddy was replaced with Veerappa Moily to increase gas prices," claimed Kejriwal.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:15 IST

'Congress and BJP are in Ambani’s pockets’Kejriwal alleged that in 2000, NDA favoured Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance in gas pricing. “Why did the government favour Reliance?" Kejriwal asked. "Reliance must have filled some ministers pocket”, thundered Kejriwal," he said.

Prashant Bhushan said that both Congress and BJP are in "Mukesh Ambani’s pockets".

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:19 IST

'Ambani runing the country not PM''Even the PM was very sympathetic to RIL. And as a result, Reliance has gained more than Rs 1 lakh crore, that the country lost', said Kejriwal.

'Reliance went to various ministers including Reddy and other ministries to increase prices of gas. After being rejected by all, Mukesh Ambani went to the PM who agreed to increase the prices immediately', said Kejriwal.

'Ambani runs the country, not Manmohan Singh,' attacked Kejriwal.

According to Kejriwal, the Krishna Godavari basin was awarded to Reliance in 2000 by the NDA government when the corporate agreed to supply gas to the National Thermal Power Corp for the next 17 years at $2.5 per unit.

But, the company revised the rate to $4.25 per unit in 2007 which then finance minister Pranab Mukherjee agreed to as the head of an empowered group of ministers.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:33 IST

Crony capitalists have become a threat to democracy"What we are exposing today is not on an individual but on the working system of the country. Crony capitalism has spread its tentacles far and wide in the country," says Prashant Bhushan.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:39 IST

Chaos at press conferenceA man was stopped by members of IAC when he wanted to raise a personal question to Kejriwal. Finally, he got hold of the mike and said, "I am from no political party."

The man questioned why Kejriwal and his wife were not transferred for 30 years. He can be seen being forced out of the room.

Click here to read about the entire incident

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 16:47 IST

A file photo of Arvind Kejriwal

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 17:01 IST

Cancel Reliance gas deals"The time has come for the people of this country to reclaim their resources. This kind of crony capitalism cannot be allowed in this country. It has eaten into the country's resources like a Frankenstein monster." Kejriwal said.

Kejriwal demands the cancellation of all the contracts on natural resources to Reliance.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 17:03 IST

RIL hits backReliance industries on Wednesday hit back at India Against Corruption Activist Arvind Kejriwal for his claims that Mukesh Ambani was controlling the government,. In its statement issued, Reliance said that statements made by IAC were devoid of any truth.

Reliance said that the KG D6 basin has best technology and that the project has added great economic value to the country.

"Allegations made by IAC are at the behest of vested interests," it said.

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 19:54 IST

PTI reports: BJP has asked Manmohan Singh to come clear on India Against Corruption's charge about his government's ties with Reliance and the reasons behind S Jaipal Reddy's removal from the Petroleum Ministry.

Click here to read the entire report

Wednesday, Oct 31, 2012 20:21 IST