
SCO 2018: Indian Army and Air Force keep the tricolour flying high in mega anti-terror drill

The military exercise will be held till August 29.

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  • Aug 25, 2018, 11:25 AM IST

For the first time, the militaries of India and Pakistan are taking part in a mega anti-terror drill of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Russia aimed at expanding cooperation among the member countries to deal with the growing menace of terrorism and extremism.

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India is participating in the drill for the first time since becoming a full member of the SCO in June 2017. As part of the SCO initiatives, the SCO Peace Mission Exercise is conducted biennially for the SCO member states.  The joint exercise is being conducted by the Central Military Commission of Russia from August 22 to August 29 at Chebarkul, Russia. 

The exercise will involve tactical level operations in an international counter insurgency or counter terrorism environment under the SCO Charter.  At least 3,000 soldiers from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, India and Pakistan are participating in the drill.

The opening ceremony of the peace mission exercise was conducted at the Combined Arms Range at Chebarkul. It started with a speech by Central Military District Commander Col Gen Alexander Lapin, the Exercise Chief, who exhorted the participating troops to execute all tasks allotted to them in a professional manner.

The meet was declared open with the hoisting of national flags of all member nations, accompanied by respective national anthems. Contingent commanders also addressed the gathering followed by an impressive march past.
Col Gen Lapin conducted an operation briefing and issued directives. The exercise include zeroing and firing by tanks, infantry combat vehicle BMPs and small arms, practice jump by airborne troops, etc. 

Approximately 3000 troops from the Armed Forces of all eight SCO member states are participating in the exercise. The 200-member strong Indian contingent has 167 Indian Army personnel including four women officers and 33 personnel from the Indian Air Force.  The Pakistan contingent comprises 110 members, while the strength of the Chinese contingent is of 748 personnel.

The SCO is aimed at strengthening mutual trust and partnership among the member states, promoting effective cooperation in trade, research, economy, politics, technology, culture, education, energy, tourism among other things.

1. Women power!

Women power!

Four women officers are part of 200-member strong Indian contingent. (Image courtesy @adgpi)

2. India, Pak and Chinese army part of drill

India, Pak and Chinese army part of drill

India, China and Pakistan all three part of the SCO are conducting anti-terror drills in Russia. The meet was declared open with the hoisting of national flags of all member nations, accompanied by respective national anthems.  (Image courtesy @adgpi)

3. The ceremonial welcome

The ceremonial welcome

Indian troops were given a warm welcome by the host country, Russia. Here we can see a band playing to greet the Indians. (Image courtesy @adgpi)

4. The colourful marchpast

The colourful marchpast

All the participating countries took part in a colourful marchpast during the start of the military exercise. (Image courtesy @adgpi) 

5. Planning the exercise

Planning the exercise

 First, Lieutenant General Petrov, Deupty Commander of Central Military District and Chief Exercise Commander briefed about the tactical settings and conduct of practical actions during SCO PEACE MISSION 2018 at 255 Services Ranges, Chebarkul.  Then the Indian contingent planned about the tasks they will undertake during the multi-nation military drill. (Image courtesy @adgpi)

6. Ready for action

Ready for action

Inter Contingent sports events commenced today at 255 Services Ranges, Chebarkul. Each contingent will participate in games of Volleyball, Futsal, Swimming, Kettlebell Lifting, Arm Wrestling & Tug of War. (Image courtesy @adgpi)

7. Attention!


Indian Army during the march-past.  (Image courtesy @ADGPI) 

