Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani walked away when he was asked about the deaths of infants in government hospitals in the state during the last one month.


Rupani, who was addressing a group of reporters on the sidelines of an event in Vadodara, ignored the question on infants' death and chose to walk away.

According to reports, a total of 179 children have died in two government hospitals in Rajkot and Jamnagar in Gujarat in December 2019.

At least 111 deaths were reported in Rajkot while in Jamnagar it was 68, as per the data available.

The reports further claim that the Rajkot hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) does not have the capacity and the required facilities to treat children weighing less than 2.5 kg.

In a conversation with Zee Media, Manish Mehta, Civil Superintendent at Rajkot Civil Hospital said that 111 children died at the hospital in December 2019. He added that it is tough to save those children who are underweight and some infants died due to sepsis infection. Gupta added that Multiple Congenital Defect is also one reason behind the death of some of the children.

In Ahmedabad, 85 infants died during treatment at a government-run hospital in December last year, GS Rathod, the hospital's superintendent said. He, however, added that the infant death saw over 6% decline as compared to December 2018.

Meanwhile, the death toll in Kota's JK Lon hospital reached 110 after three more deaths were reported.

The central team of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has initiated the investigation which, after prelim incestigation, has found that a single nurse was deployed to look after 13 infants, instead of four. At least 77% of heaters and warmers were non-functional despite the region facing severe cold waves since last few weeks. The report added that the infants might have also died of hypothermia, a medical emergency when body temperature falls below 35 degree celcius.