Two alleged liquor smugglers died and another received injuries when their vehicle caught fire following an accident in Kosi Kalan town of Mathura district today, police said."The smugglers were carrying liquor from Haryana to Uttar Pradesh in their car which struck against an electric pole, overturned and caught fire at Kosi Highway Tiraha," SP (Rural) Radhey Mohan Bharadwaj said.The vehicle was laden with liquor, he said, adding that this increased the intensity of the fire, leaving no time for the deceased Vijay (35) and Mahesh (26) to escape.Satya Prakash alias Satto was the only person to come out of the vehicle even as fire fighters and locals made an attempt to douse the flames, he said.He has been admitted to a private nursing home in Kosi Kalan where his condition is said to be critical, Bharadwaj added.