Terming the trial court's decision to dismiss the petition against P Chidambaram as a "relief" for the government, Law Minister Salman Khurshid on Saturday said he was "happy" for the home minister as well as the justice delivery system."...it is a relief, especially when it is a judgement coming from a court," he told reporters in Delhi.Khurshid said he was "happy" for Chidambaram as well as the "system" after the judgment.He said the judgments are delivered on merit based on pleas and counter arguments given in a court room.Asked whether those demanding the resignation of Chidambaram should apologise to him, the minister refused to comment.At the same time, he took a dig at the opposition parties saying that after trial court delivers a verdict, it can always be challenged in a High Court.The law minister termed his Cabinet colleague as an "important" and "significant" member of the UPA government.Special Judge OP Saini has dismissed the petition to make Chidambaram, the then finance minister, a co-accused in the 2G case.