Arvind Kejriwal, the former Chief Minister of Delhi and the AAP leader, has resigned only a few days after getting bail in a corruption scandal related to the new liquor policy. At the end of the meeting with Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena on September 17, Kejriwal formally submitted his resignation to pave the way for Atishi to become the new Chief Minister of Delhi.The decision of Kejriwal to resign has created a lot of political debate. He said that he would go back to the chief minister’s office only if the people of the state voted for him again, this time to prove his innocence. This is viewed as a tactical measure to rebuild the lost confidence of the people, particularly in the wake of assembly elections expected to be held early next year.AAP Member of Parliament Sanjay Singh said that Kejriwal would move out of the official residence and give up all the government facilities in a few weeks. Singh said that he has some issues with Kejriwal’s security and stated that the current residence is important from this point of view. The party is on the lookout for a new house for Kejriwal and his family.Atishi, who has served as minister for education, finance, and other significant departments in the past, is likely to be sworn in as the Chief Minister soon. She has vowed to ensure Kejriwal is restored as CM after the elections; she said, “Delhi has only one CM, and he is Arvind Kejriwal.”The change of leadership in AAP is against the backdrop of charges of corruption levelled against Kejriwal by the opposition parties, which he strongly dismisses as politically motivated to thwart his leadership and that of his party.