An industrialist who was picked up by Rajasthan ATS from adjoining Dhar district last week in connection with Ajmer Dargah blast, has been released. Rajesh Mishra, running an engineering unit at Pithampur industrial area in adjoining Dhar district was picked up on May 15 and let off by Rajasthan ATS in Indore yesterday."I have resumed my work as normal," Mishra told PTI today refusing to speak about his interrogation.The Rajasthan ATS was keeping a watch on Mishra for last seven months. In October 2009 too, Mishra was grilled in connection with the Ajmer blast by a joint team of CBI and Rajasthan ATS, police sources said.Mishra is among the 13 accused in the murder of a Congress leader, Pyar Singh Nenama who was killed at Manpur locality of Indore district in August 2003, police said.Besides Mishra, former RSS Parcharak Sunil Joshi has also been charged in Nenama murder case.Joshi whose name has also figured in Ajmer Dargah blast investigation, was shot dead in Madhya Pradesh's Dewas district in December 2007.On May 14, Lokesh Sharma, 36, a resident of Indore, was picked up and detained by the Rajasthan ATS from Lasudia police station here when he along with his family members was returning from Chhindwara district.