The Uttar Pradesh government today said the allotment of 52 companies of paramilitary forces to maintain law and order in the state in the aftermath of the judicial verdict on the Ayodhya title suit was insufficient.The state had requested the Union government to provide 642 companies of paramilitary forces but only 52 had been given to it, UP secretary (home) Deepak Kumar told reporters in Lucknow."This number is insufficient to deal with the situation post Ayodhya verdict," he said after a high-level meeting, chaired by chief minister Mayawati in Lucknow.Keeping in view the sensitive nature of the situation, the state had been demanding more paramiliatary forces since August, Kumar said."To tackle possible communal tension, the government demanded 458 companies on August 6. This is apart from 143 required for security of the disputed site at Ayodhya," he said.The Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad high court is slated to pronounce its verdict on the Ayodhya title suit on September 24.At the meeting, the chief minister directed officials to maintain law and order and deal sternly with those who tried to disturb peace in the state.She also appealed to people to maintain peace and harmony.The chief minister directed concerned authorities to make tight security arrangements at sensitive and important religious, public and historical places in the state.She was informed at the meeting that security of both high court premises at Lucknow and Allahabad was in the hands of central forces."Additional 29 companies of central forces have been demanded for security of the high court," the officers told her.