Accusing the Congress of using the Sohrabuddin encounter case to promote its vote-bank politics ahead of the Bihar assembly polls, BJP chief Nitin Gadkari today said his party was ready to legally and politically fight the case filed against former Gujarat minister Amit Shah."The BJP will face the legal challenge presented by the fabricated prosecution in the court of law. I declare that the BJP will also accept the political challenge thrown by the Congress and will take the issue to the people of India," Gadkari told reporters at the state BJP office in Mumbai."We are sure that the Congress game will fail and its nefarious designs will be exposed," Gadkari said.He termed the CBI as the Congress Bureau of Investigation and alleged that it is discriminated against the Gujarat government."The Sohrabuddin encounter probe by the CBI was to target the BJP and to keep the Congress out. This is evident from the fact that though the then Andhra Pradesh government of YS Rajasekhara Reddy was equally involved in the arrest and the encounter death of Sohrabuddin, the CBI completely left out the government from the radar."This is despite the fact that the supreme court had specifically observed that the identity of the seven police personnel of Andhra Pradesh who had accompanied Sohrabuddin was not known in the probe conducted by the Gujarat government and that was one of the reasons for the supreme court handing over the matter to the CBI," Gadkari claimed.The CBI has not bothered to interrogate the Andhra Pradesh government or its police officials at all, he said. "What other proof is needed to show that the CBI did only what the Congress would have liked it to do?"The 'persecution' of Shah in the Sohrabuddin case was a political strategy of the Congress to divert attention from the UPA government's failures on all fronts, Gadkari said."The government has failed to tackle inflation, the infiltration in Kashmir, the Naxal menace and even the foreign minister's Pakistan visit has failed."The Congress strategy, being implemented through the CBI is clearly to vitiate the atmosphere against Shah," he said.Under the UPA rule, terrorists are treated with biryani and those patriotic police officials and their political bosses who deal with terrorists are humiliated like hardened criminals, he claimed.By fabricating false and frivolous charges through the CBI, and by arresting Shah, the UPA government has declared a political war on the best performing state government in the country led by Narendra Modi, he said.