In this Toxin Rid 10 day detox review I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about this potent detox pill.


I’ll tell you exactly when you need to use it, and how to use it. I’ll give you the tips and instructions to make sure you stand the best chance of passing a drug test with it. I explain exactly how I passed a drug test using Toxin Rid.

I’ll also tell you how it compares the detox drinks, and when you should use them together as an insurance policy as well.

So this is complete guide to passing a drug test using detox pills, and Toxin Rid are definitely the best chance you have of passing using drug detox pills.

Plus, I’ll tell you exactly where you can buy Toxin Rid courses at the best price right now.

What Exactly Is Toxin Rid?

Toxin Rid is a course of high-quality detox pills that comes in course lengths from a single day all the way through to 10 days.

It’s not actually limited to 10 days, because you can also buy additional days when you checkout. So you could do a 14 day course, or whatever you wanted.

How you actually decide the length of the course you should use is tough though. I will explain how to decide later.

There are many detox pills on the market, but most of them are for general detoxification and meant as an ongoing supplement alongside a healthy lifestyle. There are actually very, very few which are designed to specifically eradicate drug toxins, and that are actually capable of doing that.

After much research, I settled on Toxin Rid to pass a drug test. There simply isn’t another set of detox pills that even remotely close to achieving results, and having the level of user reviews that are positive, that Toxin Rid does.

The Type Of Drug Tests Toxin Rid Detox Pills Can Help You Pass

Detox pills aren’t miracle pills, and there are some drug test types they simply won’t work for.

These are the types of drug test you could face:

  • Urine drug test – a sample of your urine is tested
  • Mouth swab test – an oral saliva sample is tested
  • Hair drug test – strands of hair are tested the metabolites
  • Blood drug test – your blood is tested for drugs

Detox pills cannot help with hair drug testing. The drug metabolites stick to the bottom of the hair follicles and actually grow out inside the hair shaft. Only the Macujo method is capable of opening up the hair strands and removing the toxins.

Blood drug testing is incredibly rare. Usually only done by specialist for law enforcement or medical purposes, you are unlikely to ever face one. Nothing can remove drug toxins from the blood. Thankfully though, the time toxins remaining blood is very short (usually 36 hours or less).

For oral drug testing, no, Toxin Rid won’t help. The toxins are still in your saliva and haven’t entered the process eradication the body yet. However, again, usually drugs won’t appear in saliva after about 36 hours. You’ll need a saliva neutralizing mouthwash to hide the toxins before you are tested.

So what we are talking about with Toxin Rid is urine drug testing. That’s the type of drug test it will pass.

When I used Toxin Rid detox this was the type of drug test I was facing. I had passed drug tests before, and friends were knowledgeable about it as well.

But I didn’t just want to pass, I wanted to make sure I passed. So a detox drink was out of the window, I needed to get a job and so concrete guarantees on passing were what I needed at the time.


Always Make Sure You Start With A Natural Detox (Toxin Rid Isn’t A Magic Pill)

Let’s continue this review of Toxin Rid by telling you what the first step of using it should always be.

It’s actually nothing to do with Toxin Rid pills at all. What you need to do is start a natural detoxification. You need to do this the instant you know you are, or could, face a drug test that you want to pass.

A natural detox consists of doing the following every day:

  • Cut out the toxins, otherwise what’s the point?
  • Eat only healthy foods in small portions
  • Focus on lean proteins, fiber, fruit, vegetables
  • Exercise and sweat every single day
  • Drink plenty of water and urinate frequently
  • Make sure you pass stools frequently
  • Stay relaxed and peaceful
  • Try to cut out demanding food and drink
  • Don’t drink alcohol or tobacco
  • Caffeine helps to speed up your metabolism

If you don’t do a natural detox then there’s no point in trying Toxin Rid. But doing the natural detox will ensure that you stand the best chance of the drug detox pills working in the quickest time.

Which Length Of Toxin Rid Detox Pill Course Do You Need?

It’s really tough to tell you the length of the Toxin Rid course that you need.

There are Toxin Rid pill courses from a single day all the way through to 10 days in length. You can even add additional days above that for a small extra cost.

The way I look at it is this:

  1. The 1 – 3 day courses are more designed to get rid of as many toxins as possible at short notice before masking the rest with the detox drink. It makes the detox drink more likely to mask the toxins and allow you to pass.
  1. The 4 – 6 day courses offered people with light levels of toxins. So people using or smoking once or twice a week, occasionally but still semi-regularly, who will most likely get clean just using the pills.
  1. The 7 – 10 day courses and above are designed for people who are regular and persistent drug users. So if you are taking high doses of the drug three or more times per week, or you are a regular weed smoker (more days of the week than not, or even daily), then you will need a seven day course or higher.

As a daily weed smoker, this is exactly why I went for the 10 day course. I usually only smoke one joint in the evenings, to relax and unwind, but I know that’s at a level of regularity which allows toxins to build up.

The reason it’s dangerous is that cannabis metabolites (converted from THC in the body) can linger persistently in the body.

That’s because they are shaped differently to other drug metabolites. They claim to cells in the body and detach randomly. You should really be clean pretty soon after, but some people have been shown in studies to still test positive 30 days or more after their last dose of THC.

Let’s Answer The Big Question: Does Toxin Rid Work?

Before I move onto telling exactly how to use Toxin Rid to pass a drug test, let’s answer the big question around does Toxin Rid actually work?

For me, the answer has to be yes because I passed a drug test with it. And I’m sharing information about how I did that with you.

But Toxin Rid will only work if you give it the chance to work. That means doing two crucial things:

1. Cutting out drug toxins until you have passed a drug test

2. Sticking with the course and doing the natural detox

As long as you do those things and get the correct course length, giving you enough time to work, then you will definitely be free of toxins to pass a urine drug test.

In my experience, and friends I know who have used Toxin Rid, I estimate that it speeds up the removal of toxins from the body at about a 50% faster rate than is naturally achieved.

I’m telling you guys, the first few days are disgusting though. You will crap frequently, and it will be really dark and smelly. Packed with horrible toxins.

It’s the same with your urine. For the first few days it may even change color and stink. Don’t worry about any of this, it just reassuringly shows the Toxin Rid is working.

Full Toxin Rid 10 Day Detox Course Instructions

Now let’s get to the main course meat and tell you the full Toxin Rid 10 Day detox instructions you will need to follow to successfully pass a drug test using it.

1. As soon as you know you are going to face a drug test, stop taking in drug toxins. If you’re going for an interview, whatever the reason, make sure you try and stop 10 days or more before you think you might face a drug test (pre-employment or whatever).

2. On the first of the 10 days, as soon as you wake up, take three Toxin Rid pills with 8 fluid ounces of water. Repeat that over the next four hours, for a total of 15 pills in the first five hours of each day.

3. Through the rest of the day eat healthily, workout, sleep well, and follow the principles of a healthy detoxifying lifestyle.

4. On the 10th day, two hours after you have taken the last set of pills, you will mix up the detoxification liquid with orange juice or filtered water. Drink half of it, then wait two hours without drinking or eating anything further. Then drink the other half and repeat the process. Urinate frequently during and after this time.

5. On the day of your test, which is hopefully not going to be long after you have finished the 10 day course, two hours before your test, you will mix up and drink the dietary fiber sachet with 8 ounces of filtered water. Make sure you drink this down quickly, and only sip water for a little while after. This is really thick fiber and it can clog you up.

That’s it, those are all the steps you have to take. It’s really easy to do, just make sure you set an alarm reminder each morning so that you remember to take the pills on the hour every hour after you wake up. That way, you won’t miss a dose and put yourself back at all.

Top Tips You Can Use To Maximize Your Chances Of Passing A Drug Test

Having used Toxin Rid to pass my drug test a while back, I want to pass on these top tips I learned, which will help you to maximize your chances of passing a drug test when using it.

First, make sure you drink plenty of water on top of the excess water it’s telling you to drink at the time you take the pills. The more you drink and urinate, the faster you will push the toxins out.

That’s the same with passing stools. Eat plenty of fibrous foods so you create bile, which attracts cannabis metabolites and draws more out of the body at a faster rate.

Second, make sure you buy some home drug test kits. Six is highly recommended.

Do one at the end of day seven, eight, nine, and 10. Then on the day of your test, do a test 90 minutes before you leave. If you fail, you’ve still got one test left for my next recommendation.

Third, have a detox drink handy. If you fail the test 90 minutes before you leave, then you will still have a detox drink to mask any remaining toxins. It could be you haven’t had enough time to the level of toxins your body, or it could just be stray metabolites (if you are a cannabis user). You’ll still have that last home drug test kit to doublecheck just before you walk out of the door.

Here’s Why Toxin Rid Reviews By Users Can Be Trusted… And Why Some Of Them Can’t Be

The first thing I want to talk about, in terms of Toxin Rid reviews, is that you can’t trust some of them.

I mean those reviews were people say that Toxin Rid doesn’t work. All it says is that it doesn’t work for them.

But you don’t know exactly what they did. Perhaps they didn’t stop taking drugs. Perhaps they didn’t get a long enough course of pills.

So reviews are only anecdotal, but the only way you can really know is to test them for yourself.

However, generally, there’s a lot of positive vibe about this out there that backs up what I’m saying here from my own experiences. Here’s a couple of examples:

“… Seven day course was long enough. I smoke daily and passed no problems. Make sure you stop smoking though, man that’s tough but worth it.”

“Delivery arrived quickly and I got started immediately with the course of pills. Pills are big and I did struggle a bit to swallow them. My God the nasty stuff that came out of my backside the first three days was incredible. But this stuff really works. Clean in less than a week and good to go.”

Where To Buy Toxin Rid 10 Day Detox

I have passed three drug tests. Two with detox drinks, and the last one with Toxin Rid.

The reason I selected Toxin Rid is simply because I wanted to pass 100% guaranteed. With detox drinks just masking the toxins, there’s always a 10 percent chance that toxins will leak back into your urine before you submit the sample. But, with Toxin Rid, as long as you test negative consistently before you submit your sample then there’s no hassle at all.

It’s the only method I recommend to cast-iron guarantee pass a drug test. As I’ve said, just like me, you have to make sure that you are on it. Make sure that you stick to the natural detox and the Toxin Rid process until you test clean for at least three days.

Let’s finish here by talking about where you can buy Toxin Rid. I’ll also just mention that there aren’t any working Toxin Rid coupon codes out there that that I’m aware of at all, let alone for the high-quality seller that I buy from.

I buy Toxin Rid straight from the manufacturer’s webshop. High quality and reliable, with fast domestic shipping.

The full 10 day Toxin Rid course costs just $189.99. You can add an extra couple of days to that dirt cheap as well.

Plus, they will also sell you Mega Clean, a highly effective detox drink, at a great price as well. By regardless of the course length, so you have a plan B should you still test positive before you leave your test.

Also, they will sell you specialist home drug test kits. These aren’t particularly expensive, and I recommend buying at least a handful so that you can monitor when you start test negative, and ensure that you are negative just before you go and do your drug test.

(Above mentioned article is consumer connect initiative. This article is a paid publication and does not have journalistic/editorial involvement of IDPL, and IDPL claims no responsibility whatsoever)