In a bizarre turn of events, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia have reportedly been barred from attending the event at a Delhi Government school where First Lady of the United States Melania Trump is scheduled to visit next week.


Delhi Government sources claimed that Kejriwal and Sisodia were dropped from the school event, even though were earlier set to attend the programme since the school comes under the Delhi government.

According to a tentative itinerary, US First Lady Melania Trump is scheduled to visit a Delhi government school in South Delhi to attend a "happiness class" on Tuesday, the second day of the Trumps' India visit. She will also spend an hour interacting with the children in the class.

Delhi government sources claimed that the "happiness class" curriculum was introduced by Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia two years ago as a unique step to relax and reduce stress among students. The programme involves meditation and outdoor activities. 

US President Donald Trump is visiting Ahmedabad and New Delhi on February 24-25 along with his wife and First Lady Melania Trump.