Atishi who is a prominent leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), is set to become the next Chief Minister of Delhi, replacing Arvind Kejriwal. Kejriwal, who announced his decision to step down from the role, proposed Atishi's name as his successor during an AAP legislative meeting held on Tuesday.


With this appointment, Atishi will become the third woman to serve as Delhi’s Chief Minister, following in the footsteps of Sushma Swaraj and Sheila Dikshit. Her selection marks a significant moment in Delhi’s political history, highlighting the growing role of women in leadership positions.

Atishi’s financial profile

In terms of her financial standing, Atishi has disclosed her net worth in her latest affidavit as Rs 1.41 crore, with no liabilities. Her assets are detailed as follows:

Cash Holdings: Rs 50,000 (self) and Rs 15,000 (spouse), totaling Rs 65,000.Bank and Financial Deposits: Rs 1,00,87,323.NSS, Postal Savings, etc.: Rs 18,60,500.Insurance Policies: Rs 5,00,000.The gross value of her assets amounts to Rs 1,20,12,824, with the calculated total slightly higher at Rs 1,25,12,823.

Who is Atishi’s husband?

Atishi’s husband, Praveen Singh, is an accomplished individual with degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad. Before entering the political arena, Atishi and Praveen Singh founded a commune in 2007, focusing on "gram swaraj" (village self-governance) and "humanistic education." Based primarily in Madhya Pradesh, their efforts were dedicated to promoting communal living and enhancing educational values, as reported by the Times of India.

Atishi’s role in AAP

Atishi has been actively involved with the AAP since its formation. She began her role in the party's policy-making processes in January 2013. Over the years, she has built a reputation as a dedicated and effective party official. In 2015, she played a significant role in the Water Satyagraha organized by AAP leader Alok Aggarwal in Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh. Atishi was also the party’s candidate from East Delhi in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections but was defeated by BJP candidate Gautam Gambhir with a margin of 4.77 lakh votes. Despite this setback, her contributions to the party and her upcoming role as Chief Minister signify her continued influence in Delhi's political landscape.

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