Atishi will be the new Chief Minister of Delhi, as the Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday agreed to the decision after Arvind Kejriwal proposed her name as his successor. Notably, Kejriwal was released from jail on Friday and recently announced that he will step down from the post of Delhi CM and would only return if the people give him a certificate of honesty. Earlier, Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj dismissed the possibility of Delhi Chief Minister's wife Sunita Kejriwal taking over.


Who is Atishi?

- Atishi is a senior AAP leader, and an MLA from the Kalkaji constituency.

- She is a key face of the party as well as the government and holds multiple portfolios, including finance, education and PWD.

- She is widely credited for bringing education reforms in Delhi's government schools.

- Atishi first pursued her degree form Delhi University's St. Stephen's College. She later went for a master's degree in education from the University of Oxford on a Chevening scholarship.

- Born on June 8, 1981, Atishi hails from Delhi. Her parents, Vijay Singh and Tripta Wahi, are both professors at Delhi University.

- She has been the face of AAP on TV debates, and is usually seen talking about the party's policies.